eLearning has become the only way of subsistence for education industries in this COVID-19 striving situation. It’s the time that you get streamlined with the...
Introducing the latest free version 1.6.3 of your favorite LMS Plugin “Tutor LMS”. With today’s update, we are excited to bring you multiple new features...
Good morning Tutor LMS explorers! This week, we’ve issued another update to support you in your eLearning adventures. We’ve noticed that the online education industry...
Good morning, buenos días, and guten morgen Tutor LMS users! Have you ever wanted to create an eLearning platform that speaks your tongue? Honestly, regardless...
Good day Tutor LMS users! Hope you all are having a fantastic week and staying as productive as ever. We’ve been staying productive ourselves as...
Hello tutors! Hope you’re being productive and staying home. These are very troubling times but rest assured that we’ll find a way to get through...
Quizzes are an important part of any LMS platform. And with the new Tutor LMS release, we are really excited to bring support for quiz...
Good day, Tutor LMS users! Hope you all have been hygienic and proactive thus far. We’ve come up with something that will relieve you of...
As the world becomes more and more connected every day, all types of services are being digitized. And the teaching industry is no different. From...
Howdy LMS enthusiasts! Thank you for making Tutor LMS one of the most popular eLearning platform builders in WordPress. It makes us happy to bring...
Good morning eLearning enthusiasts. I hope you’re having a fantastic week! Have you been trying to get more students to enroll in your LMS platform?...
Our users already know that listening to them is one of our core values. Some of the teachers wanted to do everything on their own...